We love our Publishers. Make Money Online Through Share Button Monetization
Make easy for your visitors to connect with you, saving space from your website canvas, focusing on your sharers and keeping all the generated revenue.
E-MAILiT service gives the opportunity to creative agencies, media companies or bloggers to increase user engagement, monetize their site content, earn additional revenue and keep it all. A smart choice for this goal is the use of the After Share Promo tool. E-MAILiT After Share Promo is a simple way to earn money by placing ads on your share button.
- Integrated Social Cycle engagement suite. Make easy for your visitors to connect with you, through social profiles, blogs, feeds and other social sources on the internet, saving space from the website canvas, selecting from 32 available following services
- Begin creating money from a social sharing button
- Monetize the sharing of a site's content by creating a new source of income while enjoying higher click through rate, by displaying E-MAILiT Adverts
- Generate incremental ad revenue to supplement publisher's existing revenue sources
- Create new inventory by enabling ads that emerge from the buttons without having to change website page layout
E-MAILiT’s unique discovery
After hard research we realized that the best way to promote something is after sharing. It's the perfect time to deliver advertising/promotion when your viewers are actively engaged in content they would like to share with their friends. This way you can further increase the users’ engagement with your website.
Here are some examples of how you can use the After Share Promo tool to improve your website’s visitor engagement and user experience and increase conversion rates.
- Add an exit survey to your website
- Announce sales and discounts
- Get more newsletter subscribers
- Collect user feedback on your website
- Promote your social media profiles
All trademarks and logos belong to their respective owners.
- Easy to install and to customize
- Desktop, Mobile, Everywhere. After Share Promo will work and look great on all phone and tablet devices, fits on all displays and any theme
- E-MAILiT Advert formats. Static, Video, Interactive and Dynamic
- Technical Requirements. 300x250 pixels
- The advert is clickable, and will link to a URL for the landing page to redirect to. Clicking on the advert will open a new window
Is it mandatory to use it?
Of course not!
You can activate this tool from the administration panel of your website, if you like.
You can deactivate it with an easy and quick process, which takes no more than 2 seconds, including loading time. It’s just a simple click!
Visit our website https://www.e-mailit.com for more information and get for free your own Social Sharing Buttons for any website.
The E-MAILiT Team